
TeamGDI: A micro-community to help you get better at writing

purpose, profit, pleasure, get better at writing, GDI, TeamGDI, GodDamnInspiration, Jo Watson, agoodwriteup, community, membership, micro-community, blogger, copywriter, business, mighty networks

When you bring together a group of people thanks to a shared interest or purpose – such as the drive to improve their writing – it’s easy to label it as a ‘community’ or a ‘membership’. This is completely logical – and it’s very likely expected, given that the world and his second wife seems to have a community these days. However, neither of those labels has ever felt quite right to me in the 5 years (wow, 5 years) I’ve been running TeamGDI – the group I initially advertised in 2020 as a place to help people get better at writing.

It made sense to offer something like this group (or community, or membership) out into the world thanks to my skill (and indeed profession) as a copywriter. I felt that this group option would be a great way for people to work with me and benefit from any experience or support I could give, without the need to sign up as a fully-fledged client.

TeamGDI has since been described by friends and foes as a cult, but whilst the goats, cloaks, and sworn allegiance to me written in blood would suggest that this might be true, I think what I (and the people who’ve experienced it) really see TeamGDI as, is a micro-community: a group of people who share the same interests or goals… small in number, big in impact.


When it comes to being a part of a community, two truths are told. One, you should never be the smartest person in the room. That bit was easy for me. And two, if a community leader has done a good job of bringing people together, the whole thing should still be able to function without them. I’m always present, that’s for sure, but out of all the things I’ve learned in 5 years of doing this, I’ve learned that the most important role a leader can take is to facilitate. The people in TeamGDI give so bloody much, and I can’t tell you how I lucky that makes me (as well as how redundant it probably makes me, too – but I’ll get over myself). It seems that the promise of the chance to get better at writing whilst people are here seems merely the icing on a cake made of conversations, perspectives, and experiences about business, life, and everything in between.

I get that people can only feel what a micro-community (or any community) means to them once they’re in it, so whilst you’re currently not, what am I going with for the official tagline and relevant SEO-ing of this group, TeamGDI?

It’s a (GodDamnInspirational) micro-community for people who want (or need) to get better at writing. 

Most definitely #NotACult, though.


In TeamGDI, the members of our micro-community might…

  • love writing or hate writing
  • want to write or need to write
  • be writing for profit, writing for purpose, or writing purely for pleasure

Whatever the reason or starting point, TeamGDI is THE micro-community to help people wield their words, build relationships, and enjoy taking their place as part of something brilliant that’s, once again for the purposes of the tape, categorically #NotACult.


In a shell of nuts (not our collective noun), though I’m not offering anything formal in the way of masterclasses, training, or resources, what your £48 gets you in TeamGDI is…

  1. My eyes on your content, copy, or comms whenever you want to submit. Yep, where most writing and business communities bizarrely only allow you to submit your stuff on the third Thursday of every month, between the hours of 4.15 and 5am, and only if there’s a crescent moon looming dimly in the sky, in TeamGDI, you can submit whenever you like and get my feedback and flair on your stuff within hours.

2. Extra eyes (sounds creepy). In hoping that you’d do exactly the same for them whenever they submit their stuff, your fellow TeamGDI-ers will be there to share their thoughts, views, and ideas on whatever it is you want to put to them. This could be related to your writing, your business, or your life in general, but honestly, if you’re comfortable, you can share anything you like.

3. All access. I don’t believe in inner circles, popularity cliques, or VIP opportunities. If you’re in, you’re in, and if there was such thing as a guest list, you’d be on it, my friend.

4. A simple, secure, and truly beautiful 24/7 platform. We’re hosted on Mighty Networks, and it’s ace. Post your thoughts, share your ideas, ask your questions. Get to know people at your own pace, in your own style, and in your own time. Posts can be text, pics, polls, videos, or even gifs! There’s a space for everything you can think of in life, business, and beyond. And don’t worry, you can mute anything that doesn’t keep your vessel buoyant.

5. A fantastic team. Big enough to give you creative ideas, fresh perspectives, and diverse opinions, but small enough to make sure you feel like you can really know, approach, and truly trust your tribe. They’ll champion you where necessary, but they’ll challenge you if that’s needed, too. We can all be a bit blinkered/ stubborn/ arseholey, at times.

6. Weekly group Zoom calls. No obligation to attend, no pressure to speak, though EVERYONE is offered the floor. Share what you like, contribute in whatever way you’re comfortable, and get to know your fellow TeamGDI-ers more personally. The priority topic is writing, but you’re not tied to it. There are sometimes tears – and that’s okay. There’s always laughter – and that’s definitely okay, too! The only constant? Me. I’ll always be there. And as we’re not solely a business group, we don’t run soley on business hours. Weekend and evening calls are available!

7. Weekly online co-working sessions. Time blocked out in the diary to do a bit of writing (or any tasks on your list) can be a great way to keep yourself accountable to make progress. So can the fact that you know everyone else is turning up to do the same, too! Cameras on if you’re comfortable, mics off so we can’t hear you shouting at the other half/ the cat/ Loose Women. Let’s write!

8. No recording of sessions. What happens in TeamGDI, stays in TeamGDI. Also I don’t have enough Cloud storage…

9. A chance to promote. Whether it’s your business, your charity, or your passion project… go ahead and shout about it. What the hell kind of business community (of any size) wouldn’t let you do that?

10. No tie-in. That’s right, before you’ve even joined, I’m telling you that you can leave. Any time. I’ll warn you that most members do end up coming back, however. As I say, though… #NotACult.


As a micro-community I of course want and need to keep an eye on our numbers, but if there’s a space and you fit it – you’re in. We usually flit and float around the 30 mark. It’s nice, and it costs everyone just £48 per month. Sure, in keeping things small it’ll never make me a millionaire, but if that was my purpose for doing this, you rightfully wouldn’t want to join me.


Do you want or need to get better at writing?

Have you found ‘your people’ yet?

Would you like to join TeamGDI in our micro-community to see if both of these things can happen for you?

Click the purple button, people…


What’s that? You’re already with us and you want to get out? Fair enough. Here’s every reason why you absolutely should leave TeamGDI


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